<![CDATA[#WhatIfChrist - Blog]]>Mon, 13 May 2024 19:11:06 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Change Happens When There is Change]]>Thu, 19 Nov 2020 19:06:49 GMThttp://whatifchrist.com/blog/change-happens-when-there-is-changePicture
It is hard to believe it is a week before Thanksgiving. It is also hard to believe I've been doing #WhatIfChrist Moments since July.

So, as we wind down the year, this episode will be my season finale, but I'll be back in January. I'll be working hard over the break to line up individuals to bring you wonderful stories of hope. I'll continue to work on my skills as an editor, hoping to get better every week.

I will also continue to cry out to God for Him to stretch me. I know that is a dangerous prayer, but God didn't call us to a life of comfort.

1 Peter 1:6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.

Remember, my prayer for each of you is:
  • Revelation - I pray that God will reveal to you that which He has for you
  • Sympathy - I pray God will continually allow you to see the ills of the world and to share in the pain He feels as He watches His children suffer
  • Empathy - I pray God will move you from sympathy to empathy, where the problem is not theirs, but ours
  • Conviction - I pray God will not allow you to stand still when He has called you to something bigger

We can change the world. We have the power of the Holy Spirit. We are God's plan. He has called us to be light and salt in the world. Let's make sure we hold on to our saltiness.

See you in the spring. Be on the look out for what's changed. Constantly living and growing.

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<![CDATA[My Life is a What If Christ Moment]]>Thu, 12 Nov 2020 13:31:36 GMThttp://whatifchrist.com/blog/my-life-is-a-what-if-christ-momentPicture
Even as a young child, I have always loved stories. I remember around my 12th birthday, all I asked for was a typewriter as a gift. I would sit in my room, at my desk, which faced a window and type stories.

So transitioning to #WhatIfChrist Moments was a natural. What I love about #WhatIfChrist Moments is how they all are so beautiful and yet quite  unique.

I was on a virtual call with Mr. Chip Baker, where he was the guest speaker. His topic was “The Power of Positive Leadership.” It was a great presentation. During the presentation, he spoke of his childhood, growing up in the church. He also spoke of our need to help and support one another. He shared what it was like when he first started his podcast, “Chip Baker - The Success Chronicles.” He also noticed how people were willing to help in many ways and he wanted to do that for others. He ended his presentation with “Go Get It.”

I made up in my mind, at that moment, I was going to reach out to Chip and ask him to share his #WhatIfChrist Moment. Now, I didn’t know this guy. I was just someone who attended an event where he was giving a presentation. I tried talking myself out of it. I reminded myself that he is a best selling author and a successful podcaster. He goes around speaking at many venues and I led myself to believe he would not have time for me. 

I am not a big talker in crowds (that’s three or more for me), so I didn’t say anything during the webinar. I would not have stood out to him at all. I didn’t ask any questions, nor did I comment on anything that was asked. But when he shared his love for Jesus and encouraged us to “Go Get It,” I knew I had to at least ask.

So I did and he said yes. I felt Chip was God’s answer to a prayer. I was beginning to feel a little discouraged about not having anyone to interview. God is teaching me so much through all of this. 

Talking with Chip was such a blessing. I loved the spin he put on the #WhatIfChrist Moment. He noted by the mere fact that we were actually having the interview was a #WhatIfChrist Moment. And that was a very true statement. I had registered to attend that webinar where he was the presenter, but was tired that evening and had contemplated not participating. I did decide to go, but even joined late. Then Chip said to “Go Get It.” Now the information presented on positive leadership was very helpful and I’ve been looking for ways to implement it in my leadership style, but I was moved to “Go Get It,” by those three little words.

Chip also explained how his entire life is a #WhatIfChrist Moment. He grew up in a single parent household, after his parents divorced when he was just five years old. #WhatIfChrist was a theme throughout his life, as he lived with a SuperHero, his mom. She showed him, through her love for Christ and her actions as she sacrificially served others, that with Christ at the center, all other things fall into place. Which explains why Matthew 6:33 is one of his favorites scriptures.

 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. ​(Matthew 6:33)
There were times when their pantry was near bare, but it did not stop his mom from collecting food for others in the neighborhood. Chip learned, not just through words, but through deeds, as he watched his mom and grandmother live with Christ at the center of their lives.

Chip's valuable lessons should be an inspiration to us all. Looking at his life as a whole and realizing that it is only through the grace of God that he is where he is in life today.

He encourages us to:
  • Live unafraid
  • Learn and grow
  • Serve to make a difference
  • Inspire all you come in contact with
  • Go Get It - "try" is the secret sauce, it may not work out, but you'll never know if you don't try
Use the link below to see my full interview with Chip Baker.
<![CDATA[Damascus Road Experience]]>Thu, 05 Nov 2020 18:48:16 GMThttp://whatifchrist.com/blog/damascus-road-experienceWhat comes to mind when you hear, “Damascus Road Experience?” For me, the first thing I think of is a  spectacular, bright light.

I can see the words I read in Acts. In my head. The words are so descriptive that they come alive when I read them. My eyes are actually closed as I type these words. I see a dirt road and Paul and a group of companions are walking, in the heat of the day. Although scripture does not tell me the number of companions that are with Paul, I see three other men. They are walking and talking as they are going. I hear conversations of their reason for going to Damascus. They are also wondering how people can believe in Jesus.

In the middle of a, “How can they believe…” statement, There is a bright light. In Acts 26:6 we see it was about noon. I see the sun shining and all of a sudden there is an extreme brightness, right where they are. It is brighter than anything they have every seen before. The brightness of the light throws them into confusion and fear. For Saul, he didn't just see a bright light, but also heard a voice. 

The voice sounding like the roar of thunder leveled the fear with respect. When the bright light, came out of no where, Saul and his companions fell, face down, to the ground. When the thunderous voice called Saul and he responded. The companions not only exhibited fear, but they were also worried. Saul heard and understood the voice, but the companions could not understand the voice and yet, Saul is having a conversation.

When Saul heard his name, he immediately knew this was bigger than him, but still had no clue as to what was really going on.

Then Jesus spoke to him. He called him by name. This personal salutation showed Saul that he was known by God. God not only acknowledge who Saul was, what his life had been like before that moment, but he also gave him a new purpose with a promise to be with him.

Although Paul’s conversion was dramatic, the reality is that every conversion is dramatic, regardless of what it looks like. The conversation says we’ve accepted the gift of life as we are born into a new life, with a new purpose. And our purpose is vitally important. Our purpose is to be in kingdom building work, working along side Jesus, seeing to it that they know they too are called to salvation and a new purpose.

Take a minute and think about your job. It doesn't have to be a job that takes you out of the home to another's place of business. What is that thing you do? Think about that one thing; that most important thing. The thing that if left undone affects, not just you, but those around you, in a profound way.

Well, this job that Jesus has for you is more important. This job determines the "forever" for others. 
John 17:20, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,

John 17:26, 
 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

So, just because you didn’t have the bright light, it doesn’t mean yours is less impactful. We will also look, today, at three past guest of #WhatIfChrist. We’ll hear their story again as we see it is a Damascus Road experience in itself.