I participate in this weekly 15-minute phone call. It's a group of ladies and one of them is the speaker for the week. They share a word from scripture. The word is broken down, examined and defined through scripture. It is not a place for personal opinions. During our time, we allow scripture to interpret scripture. This morning our word was "disciple." The main text was a very familiar scripture. It came from Matthew 28:19, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, We looked at that and identified some keys to being a disciple. We also looked at what it meant to be discipled. We further examined the word, “make” as we are told to 'make disciples.' Looking closely at disciple we noticed there are costs involved in being a disciple. Luke 14:26, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. Again, very familiar scripture, but this time “even their own life” was significant to me. She was pointing out, in that scripture, that one of the costs of being a disciple is suffering. She actually said, "You must be willing to suffer." Although that was just one mention and no one mentioned it in their discussion, it was significant to me.
I admit, that one line took hold of me. She went on to say, "Do I back down from situations that would cause me conflict if it were known that I am a Christian?" I had to spend some time sitting with that. You see, I don't like conflict. Well, I don't like to argue. I will share my position and let it go. I don't seek to change others, I seek to offer information to others for them to come to change, either on their own or through the work of the Holy Spirit. Change that is not the result of the Holy Spirit or personal introspection may prove to be short lived; until the next great idea comes along. I then examined how do I share my Christian values with those who don't know I am a Christian or perhaps with those who I know are not Christians. What comes to mind is 1 Peter 3:15, But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, With gentleness and respect. I remember a time, many years ago. I was on a trip, maybe in New York, not really sure. Kenderick was in middle school and he was an ambassador for health, I think through the Clinton Library. I was sitting in a circle with other parents from other states, whose kids were also ambassadors. I don't remember the conversation, but I do remember how I felt. I was responding to something and I mentioned God. I was the only African American in the circle (which comes with its own sets of insecurities) and then all eyes were on me, almost with mouths a gasp. Even the eyes that had been formally down, distracted by cell phones, as they quasi paid attention, were now in full attention. It didn't dawn on me that I might not be in the company of like-minded individuals. Jesus is the center of my life, but it was clear what I had done was taboo. I immediately was drawn to that event, that remembrance of it, when I heard the statement this morning, "Do I back down from situations that would cause me conflict if it were known that I am a Christian?" And that's a simple scenario. No one actively sought to stone me. I don't even think anyone thought about it. I wasn't cast out, punished and exiled to an island. No one even said a word to me, but here I am, about 12 years later, feeling all that I felt in that moment. I don't know if hearing, “You must be willing to suffer,” stood out to me in such a fashion that God is preparing me for what is to come in my life or maybe in the life of someone I know, but I do know I want to answer "no" to the question. I don't want to back down. I don't want to be ashamed to own Jesus before man. Luke 9:26, Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. This is why I share #WhatIfChrist Moments and my testimony. This is why I want everyone to share #WhatIfChrist Moments and their testimony. This is how we win. This is how we open the door for the Holy Spirit to come in and do a transforming work within us and through us; within the lives of those who hear. Revelations 12:11, They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. If Jesus came to show us how to live, He surely lived, “must be willing to suffer,” and “did not love His life so much as to shrink from death.” When Jesus saved me I said, “yes.” When He broke me, I said, “Here and I, send me.” So, back to 12 years ago, from that moment, in that circle, through the duration of my trip, I thought about what I said and how I said it. Now I am really pondering if it was because I didn’t want to have the conflict or if it was because I was acting gently and with respect. I’ll continue to ponder. But right now, I invite you to join me and let's triumph over him. To schedule your interview to share your #WhatIfChrist Moment, just click here. In the words of Ted Clouser, “Go win the day!”
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AuthorI love to tell a good God-story, whether it is something God has done in me or others. I want to tell God stories. #WhatIfChrist Archives
November 2020
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